Taking a Different Path…
Well… after writing a really
long article on Accelgor for this site, I clicked submit and everything but
200 words got deleted. Oh well. So after that happened I decided to do
something new! Today I will write an article about every meta deck in this format,
including 7 skeleton lists, and every tech that I could find for each one! Also included is a mini Battle Road report where I did absolutely horrible.
Deck #1- Garchomp/Altaria
Gartaria is an extremely hyped deck that is supposed
to be hyper consistent and fast. Not all of this is true. Gartaria is a deck
that performs the best against the “stupid rogue” decks because of it’s pure
consistency and simplicity. Let’s look at the skeleton list.
4- Garchomp
3- Gabite
4- Gible
3- Altaria
3- Swablu
2- Emolga
Trainers- 24
4- Professor Juniper
4- N
3- Bianca
2- Cheren
4- Pokemon Catcher
3- Level Ball
2- Rare Candy
2- Super Rod
Energy- 11
7- Fighting
4- Blend WLFM
So this list leaves 6 spots open. The skeleton list that I
have provided does not run Rayquaza, and because of that there is no reason to
run switch either.
This is probably the most common tech that you can find in
most lists. Rayquaza can be used as an early donking option because of his
lightning energy requirements. He can be powered up using Blend Energy and then
strengthened with Altaria. The only setback is the space that you have to give
up for him. He has 3 retreat and that outs you in a position where you need
Terrakion NVI
This is one of the more uncommon techs to deal with the bad
matchup against Darkrai and can swing a match in your favor along with messing
with your opponent’s mind when played down. Watch out for this tech, because it
can also soften up EX Pokemon to get in the OHKO range for Garchomp
Deck #2- Darkrai/Hydreigon
HDD is the deck that everyone is calling BDIF because
of it’s increased speed with Dark Patch and that it can take down anything when
Pokemon- 13
3- Deino NVI
1- Zwelious
3- Hydreigon
3- Darkrai
3- Sableye
Trainers- 33
4- Professor Juniper
4- N
3- Bianca
2- Random Receiver
4- Pokemon Catcher
3- Dark Patch
3- Rare Candy
3- Max Potion
3- Ultra Ball
2- Level Ball
2- Eviolite
Energy- 12
4- Blend Energy
8- Darkness
This list leaves 2 spots open for more tech Pokemon to
squeeze in. Let’s look at the many techs that this deck has to offer.
Shaymin EX
With 4 N in this deck, Shaymin can be a perfect late game
sweeper if you drop him down, move the energies to him and use N. In most games
he will take you 4 prizes at least before he gets beaten. Some cards that can
take him down are Zekrom, so Eviolite can fix the Zekrom problem pretty easily.
Sigilyph can deny your opponent to take prizes by walling
their EX Pokemon. And also if your opponent gets any ideas like loading energy
on Mewtwo to OHKO your attackers you can use Sigilyph to actually OHKO him!
Entei EX
Entei can be powered up by Blend and hits for good damage
while burning your opponent with his other attack. He can 2HKO any EX without
Eviolite attached and will be able to wall with an Eviolite and Max Potion.
Registeel EX
I’ve been working on a list that runs 2 Regi and uses Triple
Laser combined with healing to KO many Pokemon through the spread damage. He
isn’t the best idea against the mirror but work against almost every other
Giratina EX
Giratina can be useful in matchups against Rayquaza. For
:PGC: he does 90 and doesn’t apply any effects except for weakness and
resistance. This will 2HKO any EX guaranteed and can be used to knock out
opposing Giratina and Rayquaza.
Deck #3- Terrakion EX
The only
thing that I see going for this deck is that it can hit Darkrai for weakness
and can beat Eels. If you have a Darkrai infested meta, I highly recommend this
Pokemon- 8
3- Mewtwo EX
3- Terrakion EX
2- Terrakion
Trainers- 36
4- Juniper
4- N
4- Bianca
2- Random Receiver
4- Catcher
3- PlusPower
3- Switch
3- Potion
2- Ultra Ball
2- Tool Scrapper
2- Eviolite
2- Exp Share
1- Energy Switch
Energy- 13
9- Fighting Energy
4- Double Colorless Energy
This deck does not leave much room for tech options but with
2 open spots in the list there has to be something good.
The 1 problem this deck has is Shaymin EX. After you have
taken 3 Prizes they can OHKO Terrakion EX with an Eviolite on it so Bouffalant
can be an easy was to get a return knockout on a Shaymin that just Knocked Out Terrakion
EX or can just get easy prizes with his ability to be able to get loaded up in
one turn.
Deck #4- Klinklang
has a version where it only runs Registeel EX and Cobalion to avoid cards like
Garchomp taking away special energy. But this is the better version.
Pokemon- 15
4- Klink
2- Klang
3- Klinklang
2- Groudon EX
2- Registeel EX
1- Kyogre EX
1- Darkrai EX
Trainers- 32
4- N
4- Bianca
2- Cheren
3- Random Receiver
4- Max Potion
4- Heavy Ball
3- Rare Candy
3- Ultra Ball
3- Switch
2- Eviolite
Energy- 13
4- Blend Energy WLFM
4- Prism Energy
5- Metal Energy
There isn’t much to say about this deck except for that it
can use much more attacker options than Hydreigon even though I will only list
Mew EX
Mew is a surprising tech that I myself had to consider, and
reconsider, and then reconsider again until I liked the idea. Mew can use any
attack on the field and can OHKO a Mewtwo with Giant Claw. The only downside to
Mew that I can see is it can get knocked out easily and have your energy get
taken off the board.
Deck # 5- Rayeels
Rayeels is a deck that can get a really good first turn with threatening to do 240 damage on turn 2.
Pokemon- 13
4- Eelektrik
4- Tynamo (any kind but free retreat)
2- Rayquaza EX
2- Mewtwo EX
1- Rayquaza
Trainers- 31
4- Juniper
4- N
2- Bianca
2- Cheren
4- Catcher
3- Switch
3- Ultra Ball
3- Level Ball
2- Super Rod
2- Tool Scrapper
2- Skyarrow
Energy- 14
8- Lightning Energy
6- Fire Energy
So this list has everything necessary in a Rayeels deck like
both Rayquaza, Mewtwo EX, and the only forgotten card in the list is Zekrom BLW. Zekrom can hit cards like Tornadus EX for
weakness and has obvious synergy with Eelektrik. Its main purpose in here is to
provide with a strong attacking option and to knock out Sigilyph DRE. Rayquaza
can already do that for us but Zekrom can be a more flexible attacker when we actually
need something like this.
Deck #6- Eelektrik
Eelektrik is the BDIF. I think that most of us would agree
because it is the most versatile deck. Any attacker that uses colorless or
lightning energy to attack can be shoved into this deck and will work most of
the time.
4- Eelektrik
4- Tynamo (Again, any but free retreat.)
2- Zekrom
1- Raikou
3- Mewtwo
4- Juniper
4- N
2- Bianca
2- Random Receiver
4- Pokemon Catcher
4- Ultra Ball
2- Level Ball
3- Switch
2- Eviolite
1- Super Rod
2- Skyarrow
9- Lightning Energy
4- Double Colorless Energy
Again, this deck has an extremely high amount of techs, but
it would be easier to go over them in a way like this. Pluspower could be
useful against opposing Mewtwo or just good in most situations against all
different kinds of decks. Tool Scrapper can also be used but I would prefer
Tool Scrapper in Rayeels and Pluspower in this deck because you just need
Pluspower in most situations where you are 10 HP away from knocking out a
Pokemon, which actually happens a lot. Tornadus EX is a good starter especially
with a high count of Skyarrow and DCE. Raikou is a card that fits into almost
any Eel deck and Zekrom and Mewtwo is pretty self explanatory.
Deck #7- Ho-oh EX
Ho-oh is an underrated deck that people call Tier 3 when I
think it is Tier 1.5-2. Ho-oh can get the coolest donks out there and is
extremely fun to play along with being a good surprise deck and able to win
3- Ho-oh EX
2- Mewtwo EX
1- Braviary DRE
2- Rufflet DRE
Trainers- 30
4- Juniper
4- N
2- Bianca
4- Random Receiver
4- Energy Switch
4- Ultra Ball
3- Switch
3- Super Scoop Up
2- Pokemon Catcher
Energy- 18
2- Psychic
2- Fighting
2- Darkness
2- Water
2- Fire
2- Grass
2- Lightning
2- Metal
2- Double Colorless Energy
One of the main additions is a 4th Super Scoop
Up. SSU is a card that this deck can’t live without. Don’t ask me why, but SSU
is what makes this deck so good. You could also add some more energy to make
the deck more consistent but other than that this deck is a real Meta deck and I would at least Playtest against it.
Mini Tournament Report
So yesterday I went to a Battle Road and did horrible. I’ve never done this bad. I ran a Groudon EX, Registeel
EX, Terrakion, Mewtwo EX deck expecting a lot of Darkrai when there was only 1!
And I didn’t even face it! So here are how the rounds went…
Round 1 vs. Wesley (Hydreigon NVI, Eelektrik)
Round 2 vs. Ben (Zekeel)
Round 3 vs. David (Garchomp)
Round 4 vs. Jake (Garchomp)
So there was one point in game 1 where I knocked out his
Raikou EX to win the game and then we played it out as if I didn’t knock out
Raikou (We just did this for fun). Instead, I passed and he used Juniper to hit
a Pokemon Catcher and took 6 prizes in one turn with Berzerker Blade! Even
though I won 0-5 he had so much potential on the next turn.
After game 2 I was 1-1 and the paring got messed up. I was
2-0 and playing a really hard 2-0 and Ben was 1-1 and was playing an easy 1-1.
So instead of re-pairing they just swapped records and I had to play up in a
match that I should have easy won if I faced the other 1-1. This resulted in
Seniors having 4 3-0s and 2 4-0s which I really hated. Oh well.
Closing Thoughts
I think that all 7 of these decks deserve to be Tier 1 but
not all are. Any of these would be an awesome play for Battle Roads and will
definitely take home some wins. In the next couple of days I will have a
tournament report of another Battle
Road attended. Also, in the comments tell me if
you liked this article or not and leave a comment on which of the 7 decks you like the most.
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