Hey everyone so after going 1-3 in the first Battle Road with Groudon, Mewtwo, Terrakion NVI, Registeel I was really mad because the only other times this happened was when I went 0-3 and 1-4 at a prerelease. So I decided to redeem myself! I didn't even get to test until Sunday afternoon because I had to go somewhere where I entertained myself trying to beat Pokemon Silver (best...game...ever). On Monday I went to another Battle Road so before I give you the actual report let's take a look at what happened on the days before the tournament.
The Night Before
So the night before the tournament was just sitting back and testing what I think to be the best deck this early on which is Darkrai/ Hydriegon.
I played a few games with this deck against my friend Vinny with Ho-Oh and on the first game I made a strategy. I used Night Spear to sacrifice a Darkrai and hit a Terrakion for 70 and Ho-Oh for 30. Then I hit the Terrakion with another Night Spear and 30 to a benched Mewtwo. He then hit Darkrai for 100 and I retreated and used Dragonblast for the KO on a Ho-Oh. He then used another Rainbow Burn and I used Max Potion and hit a Catcher to get another KO on Mewtwo. He then got a Retaliate KO on a Darkrai while making the prizes 2-1 in my favor. I had a 1 card hand from N and it was a Dark Patch. So I got Bianca off of the topdeck and the last card was a Catcher. I used Catcher on Rufflet to Grand Flame for the win. In the other games I had the exact same routine. Use Darkrai and Entei to set up Dragonblast knockouts on the EX Pokemon while knocking out Terrakion at the same time. I won a bunch more this way and we decided to do one more game and he rolled me with a Mewtwo with about 8 energy.
The List
So knowing that I always do well with rogues (not recently), I played an interesting list with Entei to counter Terrakion and Potion to add to the healing power. I also knew that I could only lose to Mewtwo if I got a horrible start followed by a late Night Spear.
3x Darkrai
1x Entei
2x Sableye
3x Hydregon
1x Zwelious DRE 96
2x Deino NVI
1x Deino DRE 93
Trainers- 33
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca
2x Random Receiver
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Dark Patch
3x Rare Candy
3x Ultra Ball
3x Max Potion
2x Potion
2x Level Ball
2x Eviolite
4x Blend GRPD
8x Darkness Energy
The Tournament
So it was a 30 minute drive and we were there! Better than the 1 hour we usually drive. So I see all of my friends there and get ready for round 1. The tournament has exactly 10 Seniors so 4 rounds and top 4 get points. If you don't know how the new season works go here: http://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/championship-series/championship-points/#structure
Round 1 vs. ??? (Zekrom, Eelektrik)
So in this round I got a horrible start but barely managed to get set up in time. I got a quick Hydreigon with Darkrai powered up but nothing after that. I do remember him knocking out Darkrai with Zekrom and me drawing into another Darkrai. I bench it, send up Hydreigon, and stall for a few turns with Max Potion. Then I hit an N and got the Blend Energy I needed to use Dragonblast to KO an active Mewtwo. He hits me for 100 and benches a Zekrom EX. Since I knew that I had discarded 1 Hydreigon and my last was prized I immediately used Catcher on Zekrom EX and just in the possibility that he runs Terrakion I use Grand Flame and he draws and passes. Because of this I know that I am in board control. I move the energy on to Darkrai and knock out Zekrom EX. I just took 4 prizes straight! He uses Bolt Strike to KO Sableye and I use Junk Hunt with another Sableye to get the Catcher. He uses Bolt Strike again to KO Sableye and I catcher up a Mewtwo with 30 on it and Dragonblast for game. A really great first game that in the beginning I thought I was going to lose.
Round 2 vs. Bruce (Registeel, Regigigas, Garbodor)
So he went to all 3 of the Tournaments this weekend and won the Sunday one. I get a horrible start and try to catcher up Garbodor and stall for a while but I also use Fire Fang to burn him while he uses a Potion to heal it off. I hit him for 90 trying to get him to flip tails going into my turn so that I have a miniature lock. He flips 5 heads and then going into his turn he flips tails which breaks my 'lock'. After that I know its game because he send out Registeel, catchers up Hydreigon, and uses Triple Laser to snipe the bench to win the match. All in all a bad game for me because of how much Darkrai/ Hydreigon hates Garbodor shutting off half of the deck. Combined with a strategy similar to troll, this game was just bad.
So now was lunch break and me and my friend ate in like 10 minutes and traded a bunch of Darkrai and Groudon for a booster box and opened it! We pulled 4 EX cards which were Terrakion, Mew, Registeel, and Full Art Rayquaza! So probably the best lunch break ever.
Round 3 vs. Jake (Rayquaza, Rayquaza EX, Eelektrik)
I just feel bad for Jake in this game because he got a slow start combined with not hitting Switches when I used Catcher on Eelektrik. I did get a Night Spear on Rayquaza EX and hit an Eel for 30. He attaches an Eviolite and hits me for 120. I Juniper hoping for a Max Potion and miss it. I hit Ray for 70 and he knocks me out by doing 60. I hit a Catcher to bring up an Eel and take 3 prizes by using Night Spear. He can't do much and passes while I hit Catcher on Emolga to take 2 Prizes to get the win. It seems like every time me and Jake faces one of us wins and then next time we face the other wins. (It's weird)
Round 4 vs. Logan (Registeel, Blissey)
So I suddenly go blank and can't remember what he's playing and get a little nervous. When he flips over a Registeel it all comes back to me. Logan is a good player but when he has a deck like this up against my deck going second it just isn't a real game at all. So I was overjoyed when I got to go first because this was the first time I have gone first all weekend. I use an Ultra Ball and Level Ball to get Deino and Entei and attached a Dark to Sableye. I also get Dark Patch on to Darkrai and use Junk Hunt. This game was fairly easy because of the deck he was playing and I kept using Grand Flame to win. So I knew there was going to be 1 3-1 that didn't get points so I was nervous until standings came up.
So when standing came up I got 4th which gave me 10 points. Yay! Only 1/40 of the way to Worlds. So I was satisfied with the way my tournament went and my friend went 1-3 so not so good for him. I'm going to 1 or 2 Battle Roads next weekend and hope to win a few. I wouldn't change my deck any considering Entei helped me have an auto-win for 1 game and helped me play it safe in my other games. Also in a testing game I was being such a troll! My opponent used Volt Bolt on a Darkrai and then I used Potion on him. After that he used Volt Bolt again on Darkrai and I hit a Max Potion to heal 170 damage which really hurt him. See you in my next article.
still playing silver!!!
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